Friday, August 31, 2012

It just now dawned on me...

It just now dawned on me that I will be spending 3 whole months in a van with
a temperamental 10 month old,
a "my-way-or-the-highway" 3 year old,
an always hungry 7 year old,
a "what-are-you-getting-me-for-my-birthday?" almost 9 year old,
an always talking 12 year old,
a very bored 13 year old,
an exhausted mother 
and a distracted driver.

We have an extra seat in the back. Is anyone brave enough to join us? 
~Mary Anne

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A riddle while you wait

Hi! This is Mary Anne.
I'm going to try to post every day while we're on the sabbatical about the adventures we have. In the meantime, here is a riddle I made up two years ago.

I'm giant at times,
and small at times, too.
Always one color,
not brown and not blue.
I'm strong in the sun,
and weak in the rain,
sometimes I've a binky,
and sometimes a cane.
Sometimes I am old,
and sometimes I'm new,
not yellow or red,
not green and not blue,
So guess what I am,
and guess me right now,
The answer is close,
and soon you'll know how.

Happy Guessing!

The Adventure is about to Begin

We are about to embark on quite an adventure.  7 kids, 11 weeks, 15 passenger van, 31 foot trailer, and 15,000 miles!  Every 7 years Roy gets a sabbatical from work.  Last year I taught the kids American History so this year we could go experience it. We plan to buzz across the top of the country, then take our time going down the east coast, then buzz back home.  We plan to see many friends and family along the way, as well as many historical sites.  We will be flying by the seat of our pants and enjoying life as it comes.

Mary Anne will probably be doing a lot of the post in this blog. She loves to write and is pretty good at it.  I am sure she will throw in some of her poems and songs that she writes along the way too.  They are usually quite creative and humorous.

We will also try to include pictures and let the other kids blog some too.

So, please make sure your seats are in their up right position and your trays tables are stowed.  Check that your seat belt is snug and secure around your lap.  Are you ready?  This adventure is about to begin!