Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Kids First Baseball Game

Our poor TV deprived kids have never really seen a game before.  We had a lot of explaining to do about the game and how it worked and why that person was doing that etc.  But by the end of the game, they all knew how to cheer them O's on!

We quickly became adopted Orioles fans and watched many of the rest of their games on TV while we were here.  We were sad to see the Orioles lose to the Yankees in the final innings of the last game of the series; maybe next year!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Special Friends

Sometimes God brings special friends into your life who He uses to mold and shape you for the future.  My friend Stacey is one of these people.  Stacey introduced me to the world of Special Olympics and special kids. And she didn't do it gradually, she threw me in head first as an overnight chaperone!  We get on the bus and I sit next to this beautiful girl of about 10 years old.  I of course engage in a conversation with her.  I ask her her name, how old she is, etc.  She doesn't answer a word, but smiles and claps her hands.  I keep talking to her, but she never talks back.  Finally Stacey comes up to me laughing and says "This is So and So.  She has the cognitive development of a six month old.  But you have done a great job talking to her!"
I quickly learned that these kids brought me pure joy.  I went back with Stacey year after year.  My favorite part of the weekend was always the Friday night dance.  There is something about music and dancing that is universal no matter what your developmental level.  Their laughter was contagious!

At the time I had no idea that God was preparing me for my first born.  When the nurses put Jackie in my arms I said, "She is beautiful, she has Down Syndrome."  "WHAT??" they exclaimed?  The nurses had no idea, but I saw it right away.  I remember they took her from my arms and whisked her away.  I yelled to Roy, "follow that baby!"

Later Stacey asked me if I grieved when I found out Jackie had Down Syndrome.  I said no.  She said, "Well the Downs kids always were your favorite!"

Look Jeremy!  Your mom made the blog!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Stinky Slinky!

Potty humor is a universal comedy that transcends all social, economic, and cultural boundaries.  But potty odor is really no laughing matter.  So when our “black tank” (where the sewage in an RV gets stored, kind of like a septic tank) began to smell, we knew we were in big trouble.

Thank goodness we just happened to land at a friend’s house who knows a lot about this subject.  So much, in fact, that we have lovingly bestowed on him the title of “the Prince of Poop”.  Our conversation went something like this:

“So, how you been enjoying your trip?”
“It’s been great so far, Joe.  Except one little thing.  Our toilet has begun to smell.  Terrible, in fact.”
“Wow, sounds like you’ve got an improper ratio of your organic material, liquid emulsifier, and chemical cleaner.  I think I need to introduce you to ‘the Flush King’ ”.

The Flush King is an amazing piece of technology that no RV owner should be without.  I won’t go into the details of how it works (for those readers with weak stomachs), but suffice to say it does everything you need to take care of the problem.

Lucky for us too that Joe had an access pipe to his sewer line, conveniently located, right there in his front yard.  So we did what any pair of self-respecting rednecks would do.  We pulled the trailer out onto the road (nearly blocking all of the traffic going both ways), and built a homemade sewage treatment center, replete with bungee cords, 2x4’s,  and of course, duct tape.  Then we got to work.  Our first task was to connect the trailer black tank to the sewer pipe with a long hose that Joe has affectionately named “the stinky slinky”.
 Roy learning from the master, Joe doing the dirty work behind the “stinky slinky”.

Perhaps the best part of the “Flush King” is that it’s made entirely of clear plastic.  Most manufacturers of sewer line and accessories make their products out of black plastic to hide their disgusting contents, thus making it impossible to see what’s really going on.  But not the Flush King, it’s like witnessing a poop aquarium through a glass window.  Totally awesome.
Grossing the kids out!

When we started it was quite obvious that our blank tank had been hiding some pretty nasty secrets.  But by the end of the process it was churning out what looked like the pure drinking water that comes out of the exhaust pipe of a hydrogen powered vehicle.  For those of you who are dying to ask the question, no, I didn’t sample!  Sure, Niagara Falls was impressive, Boston was informative, and Philadelphia was memorable.  But our experience using the stinky slinky may have just been the best part of our trip so far!

(Look Jeremy, you Dad made the blog!)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Flat Jeremy

Have you ever heard of the book Flat Stanley?  Several years ago my friend Stacy's son Jeremy had to trace himself and mail it to someone, and they chose us!  We had lots of fun taking him all over the place and snapping pictures.  Of course, I turned it into a homeschool project, and each kid had to do a different report, on our house, our city, and our state.  We then mailed the pictures, reports, and Flat Jeremy back to his school.  Out of this project, Mary Anne and Jeremy became real pen pals.  You know, with real pencil and paper!

So you can imagine how excited the kids were when they realized they were actually going to meet the real Flat Jeremy!

Pen Pals!
Look Jeremy! You made the blog!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hanging out with Lincoln

Gettysburg was a little too much for the kids.  The reality of how many people died was heartbreaking.  This is the first time my kids have been exposed to war in a video.  They didn't like it.  Neither did I.  But it is good that we teach our kids history, so they learn from it.  This is also where Roy began his obsession about the civil war.  By being onsite at so many of these historical places in a row, and reading the primary sources firsthand with no filter or spin or bias, a whole new picture has been emerging.  For example, the Civil War was not primarily a war to end slavery.  It has been hard for Roy and I to undo the teachings we received in school, and then reeducate ourselves with the truth.  I am sure that at some point Roy will write a blog on this.  He is still in the fact gathering stage.  He keeps buying more and more books!  Then I get to learn all the interesting things he has learned.  It is quite fascinating!

A funny thing did happen in Gettysburg.  I had all the kids sit on a bench while I went to go try to find Roy. (A common occurrence in museums!) While they were sitting there, a group of Asian tourist came in.  They all immediately started snapping pictures of the kids sitting on the bench.  The kids didn't know what to do.  Should they smile? wave? pretend they don't see them? The kids said it felt super weird.  It has since happened again several times, especially in DC.  And especially of Ellie.  She is a super star with her fat cheeks and thighs and bright blue eyes.  They actually lined up to get their pictures taken with her!  Who knows?  Maybe she will show up in the next Gangnam style video!