Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hanging out with Lincoln

Gettysburg was a little too much for the kids.  The reality of how many people died was heartbreaking.  This is the first time my kids have been exposed to war in a video.  They didn't like it.  Neither did I.  But it is good that we teach our kids history, so they learn from it.  This is also where Roy began his obsession about the civil war.  By being onsite at so many of these historical places in a row, and reading the primary sources firsthand with no filter or spin or bias, a whole new picture has been emerging.  For example, the Civil War was not primarily a war to end slavery.  It has been hard for Roy and I to undo the teachings we received in school, and then reeducate ourselves with the truth.  I am sure that at some point Roy will write a blog on this.  He is still in the fact gathering stage.  He keeps buying more and more books!  Then I get to learn all the interesting things he has learned.  It is quite fascinating!

A funny thing did happen in Gettysburg.  I had all the kids sit on a bench while I went to go try to find Roy. (A common occurrence in museums!) While they were sitting there, a group of Asian tourist came in.  They all immediately started snapping pictures of the kids sitting on the bench.  The kids didn't know what to do.  Should they smile? wave? pretend they don't see them? The kids said it felt super weird.  It has since happened again several times, especially in DC.  And especially of Ellie.  She is a super star with her fat cheeks and thighs and bright blue eyes.  They actually lined up to get their pictures taken with her!  Who knows?  Maybe she will show up in the next Gangnam style video!


  1. Very interesting! On all counts. I would love to be able to speak Japanese and ask!

  2. Great pictures~ Michael loves Lincoln. He talks often about his trip back there and going to Ford Theater. Did you guys make it there?
