Monday, October 15, 2012

Special Friends

Sometimes God brings special friends into your life who He uses to mold and shape you for the future.  My friend Stacey is one of these people.  Stacey introduced me to the world of Special Olympics and special kids. And she didn't do it gradually, she threw me in head first as an overnight chaperone!  We get on the bus and I sit next to this beautiful girl of about 10 years old.  I of course engage in a conversation with her.  I ask her her name, how old she is, etc.  She doesn't answer a word, but smiles and claps her hands.  I keep talking to her, but she never talks back.  Finally Stacey comes up to me laughing and says "This is So and So.  She has the cognitive development of a six month old.  But you have done a great job talking to her!"
I quickly learned that these kids brought me pure joy.  I went back with Stacey year after year.  My favorite part of the weekend was always the Friday night dance.  There is something about music and dancing that is universal no matter what your developmental level.  Their laughter was contagious!

At the time I had no idea that God was preparing me for my first born.  When the nurses put Jackie in my arms I said, "She is beautiful, she has Down Syndrome."  "WHAT??" they exclaimed?  The nurses had no idea, but I saw it right away.  I remember they took her from my arms and whisked her away.  I yelled to Roy, "follow that baby!"

Later Stacey asked me if I grieved when I found out Jackie had Down Syndrome.  I said no.  She said, "Well the Downs kids always were your favorite!"

Look Jeremy!  Your mom made the blog!!!

1 comment:

  1. The LORD prepared my heart a few years before Michael became a part of our life. He always knows what is best~ what a tremendous blessing and oh how rich we are!
    Thanks for your posts!
