Thursday, October 11, 2012

Flat Jeremy

Have you ever heard of the book Flat Stanley?  Several years ago my friend Stacy's son Jeremy had to trace himself and mail it to someone, and they chose us!  We had lots of fun taking him all over the place and snapping pictures.  Of course, I turned it into a homeschool project, and each kid had to do a different report, on our house, our city, and our state.  We then mailed the pictures, reports, and Flat Jeremy back to his school.  Out of this project, Mary Anne and Jeremy became real pen pals.  You know, with real pencil and paper!

So you can imagine how excited the kids were when they realized they were actually going to meet the real Flat Jeremy!

Pen Pals!
Look Jeremy! You made the blog!!!


  1. This is so Cool! How awesome for them to finally get to meet!
    Michael has a pen pal, actually twin boys, that we met on-line several years ago through a homeschool state information exchange.
    Someday we will get to meet our Pickens, South Carolina Family~
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Awesome! And I loved the flat Jeremy pictures!
