Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My First Twolley Ride

Dictated by Katie Marie:

When we were waitin for the twolley in Boston today my tummy hurted weally, weally bad and I had to go poop. So I told Abba that I weally had to go poop, bad! Abba picked me up and we wan to the bafwoom. As Abba pulled down my pants I had to go super bad. I couldn’t wait to get on da potty.  The poop just came out fast wike a twain.  It sounded like a gun was shooting. It sounded like pfhbbbbbbbbbpfhbpbfhb. I thought my butt was fwowing up.  It went like a arrow.  The poop wooked like mud almost everywhere on da walls and fwoor. Abba had to keep going out and out and out and getting whole bunches of nakins and coming back in and ceaning it up. Woofie and Caleb came in to be wif me when Abba was gone.  Den Abba washed my dwess and my pants in da sink.  A twanger came in when I was in the da bafroom and den went out cuz it smelled weally bad. Den Abba made me wash my hands and the dryer was weally loud and made my hair fly awound.

And dats my story and it’s a secwet.  Don’t tell Mommy.


  1. Can't laugh hard enough, oh my goodness! Sorry for you Roy, I'm sure you weren't laughing, or maybe you were~ or can now.
    Memories are being forever made, thanks for sharing!
    Blessings on you all! The Nana

  2. Oh my word! My gut hurts! That needs to be published. I mean besides here. :)

  3. I needed that laugh SO BAD tonight. Thanks for the free entertainment. Sounds like you got a little stomach thing going around huh??!?

  4. Hey Katie Marie, TMI! Just like her dad. Sheeesh.
